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Petland Overland Park, Kansas
Crate training is a popular method used by dog owners to train their furry friends. It involves using a crate or kennel as a safe and comfortable space for the dog to rest, slee...
Dogs are known for their playful and active nature, which often leads to accidents and injuries. One common injury that dog owners may encounter is a bleeding nail bed. A bleedi...
The average life expectancy of a dog varies based on several things. Keeping a proper diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and routine veterinarian wellness checks are all very i...
Halloween is a time of year when people get to dress up in creative and fun costumes, but it’s not just humans who can get in on the fun. Dogs can also join in the Hallowe...
Despite their intimidating appearance, larger dog breeds are generally well-tempered, caring, and friendly animals! Throughout history, many of these dogs have been relied on fo...
Dogs make great companions and quickly become a part of our family. They offer us years of joy and happiness and provide us with a lot of good. Each breed of dog varies and has ...
Americans really love their dogs, and two of the most popular breeds of dogs in the United States are the French Bulldog and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Both of these pup...
Just like people, pups can experience weight issues which can result in health issues. Although each dog’s weight will increase or decrease over time, every breed has an a...
Big news in the dog world! The American Kennel Club announced that they are recognizing two new breeds of dogs. The Mudi and the Russian Toy. This was first announced a few mont...
Many of the cancers that affect humans can also affect their dogs. Our pups can develop tumors internally or can develop them on their skin and in their mouths. One such cancer,...
Are you looking for a puppy? Trying to decide which is the right breed for you can be challenging. There are several things to consider before making a final selection. How big ...
As we age, we often find that we sleep less deeply at night which results waking up in the morning not feeling well rested. This causes many of us to try and sneak a nap in some...
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