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How to Take Care of Teacup Poodles

June 22, 2019

You never hear much about Teacup Poodles in the media which is surprising because these are such cute dogs. These dogs are just miniature Poodles, but they have extremely special qualities about them that make them unique. These dogs love being around people and make excellent companions. You are never going to want to be without your Teacup Poodle because of how special of an impression they will make on you. It is important to treat these dogs with special care because they are so small. Here are a few ways to ensure the longevity and happiness of your Teacup Poodle.

1. Keep small toys off the floor.

One of the best things about these dogs is how curious and adventurous they are. Sometimes these dogs forget how small they are in comparison to the world. So, if they see something small on the floor their first instinct may be to try and taste it. This is extremely dangerous and could lead to your dog choking because their mouths are so small.

2. Take them on short walks.

These are some of the smallest dogs in the world, hence the reason why they are called Teacup. These dogs do not require as much exercise as most dogs. In fact, these dogs only need a small walk to handle their business and they are good to go. Do not feel like you are limiting their playtime by taking them out on short walks. There is only so much exercise these little guys bodies can handle so it is okay to take them on short walks.

3. Buy them big toys.

This goes with not leaving small toys on the ground. Of course, you can buy these puppies toys but make sure that they won’t choke on them by buying them bigger sized toys to play with.

If you have any other questions regarding how to take care of Teacup Poodles feel free to contact us today. One of the most popular questions we get is whether or not we have the Teacup Poodle for sale. You are in luck because our company has the Teacup Poodle for sale if you are looking for a fun-loving dog to bring home this summer.

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