
Our Blog

Not sure which pet is the right one for you? Want to know which puppy supplies to get for your cuddly buddy? We can definitely help you! Whether it’s training exercises, common puppy behaviors, or yummy DIY treats, our blog has all you need for the best pet care you can give to your cuddly friend. You can also check our adorable puppies out in action and spreading joy around the community.

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How to Introduce Your Puppy to the Dog Park

Your puppy’s first trip to the dog park is a huge experience that will surely cause your pup’s excitement to shoot through the roof!  If your puppy has never before encountered or played with other dogs, then the trip could become overwhelming. Without the right preparation, in fact, your puppy may not enjoy the outing, […]


A Complete Guide to Puppy Socialization

What is the best thing about puppies? Some owners would say their insatiable playfulness. Others would mention their unconditional love. And other owners would bring up a million other common puppy traits that make them irresistible for us. In truth, all of these answers are right! Puppies are wonderful little furballs and when it comes […]

cute puppies
how to socialize your puppy
Petland Kansas
puppy socialization